The negative effect of electronic devices on sleep
December, 2024
Electronic devices have become an integral part of our lives where more than half of adolescents from technologically advanced countries report using electronic media on most evenings and during the last hour before they go to bed. There are many evidences pointing out that this extended usage at late hours has negative affect on sleep.
Sleeping beauty
September, 2024
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and plays a major role in maintaining homeostasis and protection. Several factors, including poor sleep, can change the skin integrity and make it look older. Just like any other body cell , skin cells take advantage of sleep time to repair and revitalize the skin.
How Lack of Sleep May Affect Fertility
June, 2024
Sleep is a critical component to one’s physical and emotional health and well-being. Increasing evidence suggests a role for sleep in women’s health, particularly in the context of the menstrual cycle, fertility, pregnancy and menopause; male fertility has also been shown to be negatively affected by lack of sleep.
Can Herbal Teas Help You Sleep Better?
March, 2024
Good sleep is essential to people lives, however almost 55% of the elderly people suffer from insomnia. In ancient times herbal teas were used to treat sleep problems and in recent years, numerous scientific and medical researches that has been published supports their action, either directly on sleep (via sedation), or indirectly, by reducing stress and mind-activity.
Jet lag and sleep
December, 2023
Jet lag is an imbalance of our body’s natural “biological clock” due to traveling between different time-zones. The symptoms of jet lag consist primarily of insomnia and daytime sleepiness but can also include mood changes, reduced physical performance, cognitive impairment and gastrointestinal disturbances
Yin vs. Yang – A Chinese Medicine View at Sleep and Treating Insomnia
September, 2023
Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest medicines in the world and in today’s world its practice is also backed by modern research. Traditional Chinese Medicine pays a lot of attention to sleep issues and differentiates between trouble falling sleep, difficulty staying asleep (“light sleep”), and having dream-disturbed sleep, as each is related to an imbalance in a different organ system.
Resetting your body clock
May, 2023
Untreated Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders can lead to insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness, with severe undesirable health, psychological, and social consequences.